Small step towards
Breaking the Taboo
Campaign to distribute menstrual health and hygiene kits to the underprivileged menstruators of society.
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200 +
2500 +
sustainable pads
20 +
The Problem
Did you know that almost 23 million girls drop out of school every year when they start menstruating? Shocking, isn't it? For a normal monthly bodily function to be treated as a 'curse' or as 'impure' or a limitation, when it has no reason to be.

Moreover, this "hushed" attitude has forced many menstruators to use implausible and harmful items such as rags, clothes, mud, ashes, and even cow dung to manage their periods, due to lack of proper knowledge around healthy menstrual practices. These ill-informed practices have profound health implications, like cervical cancer and toxic shock syndrome.
The Solution
At Titli Foundation, we empathize with the challenges faced by underprivileged menstruators when it comes to having a safe and hygienic period. We aim to provide them with sustainable menstrual products and raise awareness about menstrual hygiene and its safe practices.

To achieve our goal, we will conduct donation drives and awareness workshops in different sectors of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ayodhya, Lucknow, Dehradun, Pune, and Chandigarh, reaching out to 2500+ menstruators.

While covering topics from puberty and reproductive health to menstrual health and safe menstruation practices, along with the usage of sustainable menstrual products. We hope to bring in a wave of change and break the taboo!
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Break The Taboo
Get in Touch
+91 86049 42501
Find Us
Pandey krishi kendra,
Nirala nagar, khojanpur,
Faizabad, Uttar
pradesh. 224001
© Titli Foundation. All Rights Reserved 2023.